Erikson Timeline Assignment

  • Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt

    Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt
    Shelly (age 3) is learning how to eat small foods without the assistance of her parents. She is able to pick up individual items and eat them by herself, like an orange, while also learning how to use a fork and spoon correctly. In Erikson's second stage, the crisis is autonomy vs shame and doubt, or being able to learn to care for oneself in basic actions, or they will start to feel shamed or doubt their own abilities.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    Shelly (age 30) and her partner Samantha (age 27) marry surrounded by family and friends, due to their commitment to each other and wanting to have a partner to share and blend their lives with. In this sixth stage of intimacy vs isolation, the crisis is finding a person whom they feel they could be truly close and intimate with, or staying single and not committing to anyone (isolation)
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Generativity vs Stagnation
    Shelly (age 40) begins to feel that her work does not provide the meaning and fulfillment that she wishes to achieve. Shelly returns to school to pursue a career field in nursing where she can care for others and feel productive to society. This seventh stage, generativity vs stagnation is a point in an adult's life where they wish to contribute something meaningful (generativity) or risk feeling like they have been unproductive during their life thus far (stagnation)