Eriksons timeline assignment event 1
June 24, 1990 At the age of 35 Matthew and his wife Renee (age 33) decided to expand their family and adopt a child.
In Eriksons 7th stage, Generativity vs. stagnation, the challenge for Matthew and Renee will be to now shift emotionally from only worrying about themselves (stagnation) to dedicating all of their time and energy to caring for a person who is unable to care for themselves and will need guidance (generativity). -
February 23, 2000
Dwayne (4 years old is battling with cleaning up his toys. He is able to choose which bin to place them in at home but is scolded when not placed in the red bin when his nanny is present.
In Eriksons third stage, Initiative vs. guilt, Dwayne is more confident when being able to make his own decisions (initiative) but is apprehensive when someone is watching him because of his frequent prior scoldings (guilt). -
Event 3
March 12, 2005 Monica (age 18) has been dating the same guy for 2 years. She's recently been more and more attracted to females and wants to now break up with her boyfriend to figure out her feelings.
In Eriksons fifthe stage, identity versus identity confusion, Monica after being in a set habit for such a long time (identity) is now unsure of what her next step should be because her new feelings go against what she's been doing for quite sometime now (identity confusion). -
Event 4
October 17, 2010 After 4 years of dating David (21) proposes to Channa (20) so that they can spend the rest of their lives together because they can't imagine not seeing each other everyday for the rest of their lives.
In Eriksons sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, Channa and David decide that they don't want to risk not ever finding their soulmate (isolation) and decide to officially commit themselves together because they can not imagine being with anyone else (intimacy).