Erikson Timeline

By caitmon
  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    In this stage, Kendall (age 5) learns to explore the world around her and likes to paint. She wants to finger paint on not only the paper given, but the walls around her. In Erikson's third stage, "initiative vs. guilt", the main challenge is to let Kendall initiate activities in a purposeful way without being too tightly controlled or she will experience excess guilt.
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    In this stage, Kendall (age 9) is learning to load and unload the dishwasher to help the family. In Erikson's fourth stage, "industry vs. inferiority" the main challenge is for her to learn skills and knowledge of her culture; with too much critique she will develop a sense of inferiority.
  • Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    In this stage, Kendall (age 12) is struggling to decide what she wants to aspire to. She makes good grades in math and science so a university seems to be good fit, but her mom thinks trade school would be just as good of an option. In Erikson's fifth stage, "Identity vs. identity confusion", the main challenge is for Kendall to develop a secure and coherent identity in love, work, and ideology. By the end of adolescence, it would be ideal for her to feel secure in her choice