Erikson timeline

  • Sarah Goes to Preschool

    At age three, Sarah is experimenting with making her own choices. She is at the autonomy vs. shame & doubt phase. The crisis is either being empowered to make harmless decisions or being told that you're doing everything wrong.
  • Sarah chooses a college

    Sarah is 17 and in her senior year of high school and must decide what path she wants to take in life and how she will fit into the world. She is in the identity vs. confusion stage of life. The crisis is to either decide on a life path and move forward in a healthy, productive way, or remain confused and fail to thrive.
  • Sarah gets engaged

    At age 22 Sarah gets engaged to her boyfriend. She is in the intimacy vs. isolation phase of life. The crisis is whether to trust and share your life with another person, or remain isolated and depend only on yourself to prevent getting hurt.