Erikson Timeline

  • Todd the toddler

    Todd goes to day care and plays well with other children. Todd likes to help include others in his playtime and his teachers say he shows great initiative in new situations. In Erikson's third stage of initiative versus guilt, the crisis is between showing initiative in social situations versus self doubt and guilt for incorrect actions.
  • Todd the teenager

    Todd is a freshman in high school who is well liked by all of his peers. He plays sports, is active in clubs, and is well encouraged by his teachers and coach. In Erikson's fifth stage of identity versus confusion, the crisis is between a teens ability to create a personal identity and stay true to their sense of self versus role confusion and insecurity.
  • Todd the teacher

    Todd is a teacher at a school in an under-served community. Todd looks forward to educating young minds and would like to start a family with his new wife Tanya. He feels useful as a teacher in his community because he can see the effect that it has on the kids lives. In Erikson's seventh stage, generatively versus stagnation, the crisis is between feeling a sense of usefulness and being accomplished versus failure and withdrawal from the community.