Erikson Timeline A.V

  • Selena's First Months

    Selena's First Months
    Selena's first months after birth. Her mother is feeding her and forming a trust relationship. In Erikson's first stage, this is where an infant forms a loving a relationship with her caregiver. The major question in this stage is "Can I trust the people around me?"
  • Selena's Early Years: 5 years old

    Selena's Early Years: 5 years old
    Selena and her friends are playing a game. She chooses her friend's roles for them (Initiative). During the game Selena starts feeling guilt when the children are making mistakes in their position. From this 3 to 6 year old children start to become more assertive and take more initiative and start to become more independent.
  • Selena's First Relationship

    Selena's First Relationship
    Selena finds her first boyfriend. She really likes him. At Erikson Fifth stage, this is where she develops intimate relationships with her significant other. This stage in her life symbolizes intimacy. But later if they break up, Selena may suffer feelings of isolation, which is also a part of Erikon's fifth stage.