Adrianas Timeline

By Aiyslin
  • Adriana's Wedding Day

    Adriana's Wedding Day
    After 5 years in a healthy and committed relationship, Adrianna decided to marry her high school sweetheart Blake so they could share the rest of their lives together. In Erikson's fifth stage Intimacy versus Isolation, it determines if one will become close with another person in a relationship (intimacy) or avoid intimacy and relationships with others (isolation).
  • Adriana and Blakes Family

    Adriana and Blakes Family
    Over the past twenty years, Adriana and Blake have built a successful life for themselves, Adriana working as a school teacher and Blake as a doctor. They also welcomed four beautiful babies into the world and are enjoying watching them grow. In Eriksons seventh stage Generativity versus Stagnation, the crisis is between success, caring for others, and the feeling of accomplishment (generativity) and failure, resulting in shallow involvement in the world (stagnation).
  • Adrianas End : Ego integrity Vs. Dispair

    Adrianas End : Ego integrity Vs. Dispair
    At 77 Adriana took her final breath, surrounded by her husband, four children, and six grandchildren. In her final days she looked back on her life and felt at ease with no regrets, knowing she lived a good life by her husbands side, raised good people, and spread her wisdom to the future generations. In Eriksons eighth stage Ego integrity versus Despair, the crisis is between the feeling of satisfaction with ones life (ego integrity) and regret and the feeling that life was wasted (despair)