Erikson Timeline

  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Industry vs. Inferiority
    On this day, Olivia attended her last day of elementary school where she and her classmates received their final graded assignment. She was shocked to see that she received a low C while her friends received a high A and positive feedback from the teacher. This caused Olivia to feel a sense of discouragement and she felt like a failure. This is an example of Industry vs. Inferiority crisis because since she didn't receive that positive feedback from the teacher it left her feeling inferior.
  • Identity vs. Role confusion

    On this day, Olivia was asked to go to the fair with a boy that had a big crush on her and she said yes. Although, she told her parents that she was going to the fair with her close girl friends because she knew her parents would never agree to it. This is an example of an identity vs. role confusion crisis because Olivia wasn't sure what type of guy she was interested in and wasn't the type of kid that would normally lie to their parents about what they were doing.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    On this day they went on a bike ride to Chatnika River in Fairbanks, Alaska where they spent the day sharing their past life experiences and began to fully understand the art of falling in love. In Erikson's fifth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between feeling immense love and intimacy toward an individual but being scared that the love you have for the other person might cause you to unintentionally isolate yourself from important people in your life.