The day I was born!
Sensorimotor Stage
During this stage, the child learns to manipulate objects although they don't understand object permanence. The major objective is children being able to understand object permanence. During this stage it took me a long time to understand peek-a-boo, but I did not have seperation anxiety from my parents. This could be due to the fact that I went to daycare at a young age. -
I started crawling -
First words
Mama, Dada and No -
Preoperational Stage
This stage occurs when language begains developing quickly. Children learn how to interact properly in their enviornment. Animism also occurs in this stage. Most children in this stage are Egocentrism and don't understand that other people have a different perspective than them. According to my parents, when I was in this stage I did not have any problems sharing with others. My first words in order were Mommy, Daddy and no. I said my first words when I was 11 months old. -
Concrete Operations Stage
This stage focuses on being able to concentrate on more than one task and understanding grouping. When I was 7 my mom tried to teach me about money (how coins and bills are still money). She said that I had a difficult time understanding that they were all money but eventually I figured it out. When I started Kindergarden I was able to focus on more than one thing at once because I was forced to. -
Formal Operations Stage
This stage occurs when children begin to develop a more abstract view of the world. They are able to understand imagined and real situations. They alos have a better understanding of cause and effect. By the time they are 13 most kids can come up wth their own ideas and theories. When I was 14 I started to become a much more efficent arguer and started to ask questions about religion and politics. When I was almost 15 I was able to figure out my own beliefs and morals.