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Erikson Timeline

  • Alexa is born

    Alexa is born
    -Alexa was recently born to a single mother. Her mother is having a hard time responding to her new baby's needs. Alexa will cry for hours and not recieve any care from her mother. She spends little time with direct contact to any adult.
    -Trust vs. Mistrust
    -In this stage a child will learn if they will be able to trust the world around them or not.The quality of the parental care will effect the child. Their future personlity and responsiveness to the world around them will depend on this time.
  • Alexa in school

    Alexa in school
    -Alexa is 10 and having a hard time completing her school work. She has low self esteem and little pride in her accomplishments. Children around her are excelling in their activities and she begins to become bullied by her peers. Her mother does little to encourage her.
    -Industry vs. Inferiority
    -At this stage a child will begin to develop life skills in school. If encouraged and supported they will acquire good self-esteem. Without support or help the child will feel bad and inferior in life.
  • Alexa gets married

    Alexa gets married
    -Alexa had been dating Jack for a few months casually. After a while he asked her to be his girlfriend. Alexa decided she wanted to further their relationship and agreed. They spent more time togehter and became closer. After a few years they got married.
    -Intimacy vs. Isolation
    -At this stage one will dive into a relationship and find comfort in their partner. They may feel more safe, cared for, and loved. On the otherhand, fearing commitment or not finding a partner will result in isolation.