Erikson Timeline

  • Jen Learns Multiplication: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Jen Learns Multiplication: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Jen (age 8) is introduced to multiplication during class. She's assigned to do practice problems at home and turn them in the next day, but she doesn't understand it. She cries and tells her parents about it. Her parents encourage and tell her that it's okay not to understand it yet. They stay by her side and teach her until she succeed. In Erikson's fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, the crisis is between developing competence or lacking confidence in oneself-- doubting their abilities.
  • Jen Gets Married: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Jen Gets Married: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Jen (age 26) and Ashton decided to get married after 7 years of dating. They commit and share the rest of their lives together and become one. They deepen their bond by devoting their love for one another. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation, the crisis is between becoming close with others on a personal and emotional level or being a closed book-- not letting anyone get to know you and having deep connections with others. Fear of commitment and relationships leads to isolation
  • Jen's Last Days of Life: Integrity vs. Despair

    Jen's Last Days of Life: Integrity vs. Despair
    Jen died surrounded by her four kids as well as other family members at the age of 82. She had few regrets before passing away because she reflected on her hard work of being a nurse and raising four wonderful children. She felt accomplished for saving lives and was at peace. Jen is now with her husband who passed away 5 years before her. In Erikson's eighth stage, integrity versus despair, the crisis is between being content with life or being full of regret and wanting a redo at life.