Erikson Timeline

  • Isabella's accomplishment of eating by herself on Christmas Eve: Autonomy vs.Shame and Doubt

    Isabella's accomplishment of eating by herself on Christmas Eve: Autonomy vs.Shame and Doubt
    Isabella age 2 was allowed to eat dinner by herself during Christmas Eve because she wasn't making a mess of herself. Erikson's second stage, autonomy versus shame and doubt, kids want to do things by themselves, and when they can't do it or aren't allowed they feel shame and get really upset. Isabella is happy she feels independent because she is feeding herself. If she didn't succeed she wouldn't have felt shame especially because the whole family was watching, this could lead her to be shy.
  • Isabella's victory on her gymnastics meet: Industry vs. Inferiority

    Isabella's victory on her gymnastics meet: Industry vs. Inferiority
    Isabella age 8 just won her gymnastics meet. She has been doing gymnastics for only 6 months and she has already won a meet. Erikson's fourth stage, industry versus inferiority, is about gaining confidence or feeling defeated, normally by comparing with others. Isabella was able to win the meet, which increase her confidence which help her build her industry, and she would go into her next meet more confident.If she lost probably she would have felt inferior to her teammates and would have quit.
  • Isabella's mentorship as a doctor: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Isabella's mentorship as a doctor: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Isabella (age 55) had been a doctor for the past 20 years and she is getting ready to start retiring so she is spending most of the time mentoring and letting future doctors shadow him. In Erikson's seven-stage, Generativity vs. Stagnation is the point where the person wants to create an influence in the world and help. If Isabella retired without being a mentor and sharing what she knows, she would have had a hard time because she would have been useless to the community.