Erikson Timeline

  • Juanita Faith in Her Mother: Trust vs. Mistrust

    Juanita Faith in Her Mother: Trust vs. Mistrust
    Juanita is a one year old toddler who still relies on her mother for everything. Whenever she cries, shouts, or screams her head off, she know that her mother will be coming to her rescue. In Erikson's first stage, Trust vs. Mistrust, the crisis is between being taken care of as an infant and learning the world is a good and safe place(Trust) or being mistreated will lead to the infant to believe the world isn't a safe and hopefully place.(Mistrust)
  • Juanita's Inability to Speak Spanish: Identity vs. Identity confusion

    Juanita's Inability to Speak Spanish: Identity vs. Identity confusion
    Juanita is 15 years old, who grew up within a Hispanic household. However, she was never taught Spanish while growing up and had a difficult time understanding her place in her culture. It was challenging for her to fit in with her culture because she couldn't communicate. In Erikson's fifth stage, "Identity versus Identity Confusion," the crisis is between finding who you are in this world and what your culture expects of you (Identity) or the opposite of being lost and not knowing who you are.
  • Juanita's Contribution to the Next Generation: Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Juanita's Contribution to the Next Generation: Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Juanita's is now 43 years old and is selfish and hateful. She only cares about herself and her own generation rather than the younger generation's well-being. In Erikson's seventh stage, the crisis is being selfless and guiding the next generation toward the best outcome possible (Generativity) or being selfish and only focusing on your own needs. (Stagnation)