Erikson Timeline

  • Dino Costume Days

    Dino Costume Days
    Little Lucy is 3 years old and refuses to wear anything but her dinosaur costume. Little Lucy is building her independence and practicing body autonomy.
  • The Start of Forever

    The Start of Forever
    Since ditching her green dino costume at the age of four lots has changed for little Lucy. She has found her soul mate and is getting married at the age of 23. She is at Stage 6 in Erikson's timeline, Isolation vs Intimacy
  • Mid Life Crisis but Make it Beneficial

    Mid Life Crisis but Make it Beneficial
    Lucy is now in her mid-40s. She has raised her children, is still happily married but feels she has not contributed enough to society. She starts a foundation that provides clothing and shelter for families in need. This time in her life has been fulfilling and also fulfills Erikson's 7th stage of life, Generativity vs Stagnation