Erikson Timeline

  • Penny's Decision to Plan Her Own Birthday Party

    Penny's Decision to Plan Her Own Birthday Party
    Penny (at age 8) decided that this was the year she was going to plan her birthday party all by herself. She was determined to make it perfect. In Erikson's third stage, initiative vs. guilt, the conflict is between developing the ability to make one's own choices (leads to high self-confidence) and being instructed on what to do all the time/ being punished for making the wrong choice- which can lead to shame and low self-confidence.
  • Penny Decides to go to College

    Penny Decides to go to College
    Penny got accepted into several colleges and decided it was in her best interest to go despite the fact that her Mom believes the job she currently has is plenty. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. identity confusion, the potential conflict is between who they think they are and who they want to be. There is a high chance of some sort of identity confusion in this stage.
  • Penny becomes a Grandmother

    Penny becomes a Grandmother
    After what seemed like forever Penny's only child, Henry, had a child. When the child was born Penny felt an immense sense of gratitude for all the choices she had made that led to this moment; whether that was going back to school to find a career that she really loved or marrying her highschool sweetheart. In Erikson's eighth stage, ego integrity vs despair, the conflict is whether at the end of your life you feel satisfied with the choices that have been made.