Erikson Timeline

  • Play Age - 3-5

    Play Age - 3-5
    Violet(4) is playing with her play phone and talking about a pretend appointment she has later that day. She sticks her hip out in imitation of her mom and looks at the phone with a stricken expression on her face. "Oh NO! We're late!! Amy, go get your shoes!" she calls to her doll.
    In Erikson's third stage children aged 3-5 start to imitate the people in their lives and play-pretend what adult life looks like to them. They also start to use the word, "why" and inquire about the world.
  • School Age - 6-12 Years

    School Age - 6-12 Years
    Violet(10) went to school and got into a argument with a friend. Her friend said hurtful things and Violet came home and cried to her mom. The next day at school, Violet changed her t-shirt for a baggy hoodie.
    In Erikson's fourth stage, children have begun to learn and develop a sense of industry. School peers and neighborhood friends become the most significant relationships and their opinions become increasingly more important to children.
  • Young Adulthood - 18-35

    Young Adulthood - 18-35
    Violet(20) is recently engaged to James. She has started to plan for her first baby. Separately, James has started to put aside money for a family. They've both made more friends and begun to establish deeper and more complex relationships with friends, new and old.
    In the sixth stage, we begin to seek a partner and children. Friendships deepen and become more intimate.