Off To College
At age 18, Judy took a job selling hot dogs at her local amusement park before going off to college. During this summer she spent her free time gaining independence from her parents and hoping her choice to study Psychology at Wellesley College was a good one. During the fifth stage of Erikson's model, identity vs. role confusion, the crisis is between finding your "purpose" or goal in life and struggling to finding your own voice and direction over the pressure of others. -
New Career
At age 26 Judy completes her masters degree in Psychology and begins her career as a therapist. She dated a little in college, but never maintained serious relationships until she entered a relationship with Jim, who she met through her work. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy vs. isolation, the crisis is between becoming ready to share your life with others or remaining isolated if you fail to establish an identity in adolescence. -
When Judy, age 46, sends her children off to college and returns to spending time with herself and her husband, she has a feeling of wanting to contribute to society again. She and her husband Jim spend their weekends volunteering at the local food bank and soup kitchen helping the needy. During Erikson's seventh stage, Generativity Vs. Stagnation, the crisis is between leaving your positive mark on society and feeling isolation and not contributing to society.