Erikson Timeline

  • Cassie's Playtime: Initiative vs. Guilt

    Cassie (5 years old) is playing house with her friends. She can choose the roles for her friends and Cassie wants to be the mom, but one of her friends wants to be the mom and thinks Cassie is being "bossy". In Erikson's third stage of initiative vs. guilt, the crisis is taking the initiative to choose roles, but then feeling guilty because not everyone is happy with the decisions.
  • Cassie's Identity Crisis: Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    Cassie (15 years old) wants to look like the girls she sees on social media and is constantly changing her makeup, clothes, and hair. She can't figure out what kind of look she wants for herself just yet. In Erikson's fifth stage of identity vs. identity confusion, the crisis is being aware of what you wanna be/do in life or not knowing who you are and experimenting/rebelling.
  • Cassie's Relationship: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Cassie (25 years old) is in a committed relationship with her boyfriend of 3 years and they love each other very much. She's never been in a committed relationship before so she is still learning. In Erikson's sixth stage of intimacy vs. isolation, the crisis is the commitment and getting attached to people or being alone and not having to feel the pain/hurt that comes with relationships.