Erikson Timeline

By StormyM
  • Susan Develops Her Skills: Industry versus Inferiority

    Susan Develops Her Skills: Industry versus Inferiority
    Susan (age 10) has just received a critique from her art teacher on the painting she just completed. Her teacher showed her where she used her art skills effectively and where she could improve, leading Susan to be excited to make her next painting. In Erikson's fourth stage: industry vs. inferiority, the crisis is between children being encouraged to develop their abilities into skills or being discouraged in their skill development, leading to a sense of inadequacy.
  • Susan Develops Her Identity: Identity versus Identity Confusion

    Susan Develops Her Identity: Identity versus Identity Confusion
    Feeling unsure if she wants to pursue a career in art, Susan (age 17) also feels unsure in how she wants to express herself. Susan's parents are supportive of her exploring her identity and dressing differently but do have certain expectations when it comes to education and the career she pursues. In Erikson's fifth stage of development: identity vs. identity confusion, the crisis is between the adolescent building awareness of who they are or being unsure of where of where they fit in society.
  • Susan Teaches her Skills: Generativity versus Stagnation

    Susan Teaches her Skills: Generativity versus Stagnation
    Susan (age 50) has decided to teach her skills as an artist to the next generation and now teaches an after-school art class for teens. After a successful art career of about 30 years, Susan, thinking back to the art teacher she had as a kid, wants to share what she has learned with kids interested in art. In Erikson's seventh stage of generativity versus stagnation, the crisis is between the desire to contribute to the well-being of future generations or to focus on one's own self-interest.