Erikson Timeline

  • Period: to

    Alison's Psychosocial Events

  • Trust vs. Mistrust

    Trust vs. Mistrust
    Alison, just a 6 month old baby, is fully dependent on her parents. As her parents consistently care for her needs, she begins to trust her caregivers and find that she is safe/secure in this world. In Erickson's first stage Trust vs Mistrust, the crisis to arise is the building of a caring bond with the child's caregivers. This development, either trust or mistrust, has an impactful influence on formation of the child's emotional and social development (continuing throughout their life).
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Industry vs. Inferiority
    Alison, now 9 years old, has been going to school, making friends, and doing well academically. As she's attended school her sense of accomplishment has risen with her sense of pride. The play she engages in with her friends and her achievements have helped her form a strong self-concept. Erikson's 4th stage, Industry vs Inferiority, involves the conflict of forming a competent and strong sense of self or developing a sense of inadequacy/inferiority and finding yourself less capable.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Alison, age 50, has married, had a family, and worked as a successful business women. As she's gotten older she's found herself wanting to contribute to her community and has been taking on more volunteer work, bettering herself. In Erikson's 7th stage, conflict between Generativity and Stagnation emerge. To contribute to those around you and nurture things to outlast yourself, or take no interest in improving oneself and fail to be productive; leaving a sense of being uninvolved in the world.