Erikson Timeline

  • Katheryne, an infant, is excited to see her parents and siblings, who give her candies and attention.

    Katheryne, an infant, is excited to see her parents and siblings, who give her candies and attention.
    In Erikson's first stage, Trust vs. Mistrust, the crisis is between trusting a caregiver who gives them love and care or having a caregiver that does not show them love.
  • Katheryne, age 5, demandingly asks her friend to give her their toy and threatens to steal it.

    Katheryne, age 5, demandingly asks her friend to give her their toy and threatens to steal it.
    In Erikson's 3rd stage, Initiative vs. Guilt, the crisis is being able to regulate your emotions properly or you may show undercontrol or overcontrol which is unfavorable
  • Katheryne, at age 16, had discovered a talent and love for music, so she joined an orchestra and met others who shared her interests.

    Katheryne, at age 16, had discovered a talent and love for music, so she joined an orchestra and met others who shared her interests.
    In Erikson's 5th stage, Identity vs. Identity Confusion, the problem presented is to develop a sense of self and to find out who you are, or getting confused and not finding out what interests you