Erikson Timeline

  • Death of Parents

    Death of Parents
    Julie is born to Amie and Peter. Amie and Peter are involved in a car crash when Julie is just a couple months old, and neither survive. Julie's care is now unpredictable as she bounces around foster homes. This leads to Julie not bonding with a primary caregiver. In Erikson's first stage, trust vs. mistrust. The crisis is becoming bonded to someone and having a safe place in the world (trust) or not being well-loved and having trust/security issues (mistrust).
  • Grade School

    Grade School
    Julie (age 7) begins second grade. As the school year goes on, Julie doesn't get along with her teacher and has a hard time learning how to be a successful student and struggles with working as a team, completing homework assignments, and following a schedule. In Erikson's fourth stage, industry vs. inferiority. The crisis is being taught how to follow cultural rules/standards and succeeding (industry) or failing to integrate these skills (inferiority).
  • Graduation

    Julie (age 18) graduates high school. She was never really encouraged by anyone to follow her skill sets (writing and photography), and this has led her to not know what she wants to do after high school. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity vs. identity confusion. The crisis is developing an awareness of who you are and what you want to do with your life (identity) or floundering in society with no real path or direction (identity confusion).