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Erikson Timeline - Rebecca

  • Mother leaves home

    Mother leaves home
    At age 5, Rebecca's mother (who had her at a very young age) decides to move out of the country in order to 'find herself and start fresh'. In Erikson's 1st psychosocial stage, trust vs. mistrust, children learn to accept adults (specifically their parents) as trustworthy, reliable, and safe. The unexpected departure of her mother has violated Rebecca's trust - she had come to believe that her mother would always be there for her, but her departure now causes Rebecca to mistrust most adults.
  • Making the soccer team

    Making the soccer team
    In 8th grade, Rebecca makes her hometown's highly competitive soccer team. In Erikson's 4th stage of psychosocial development, industry vs. inferiority, children start comparing themselves to their peers as a way to measure self worth. Rebecca defeats the obstacle of feeling inferior and successfully passes this stage by gaining industry and confidence in her athletic abilities.
  • Daughter is born

    Daughter is born
    At age 32, after flourishing in her career and finding a stable, loving husband, Rebecca has her first child - a baby girl. She is Erikson's 7th stage of psychosocial development, generativity vs. stagnation. She is faced with the dilemma of finding her way to contribute to the world in a meaningful way beyond herself. Those who experience stagnation often feel meaningless, disconnected & experience later regret, but Rebecca will experience generativity by embracing her next role as a mother.