Erikson Timeline

  • Hannah Smith

    Hannah Smith
    Hannah (15 years old) has just recently started high school and she is excited to start this new chapter with her friends. In Erikson's fifth stage, ego identity vs role confusion, Hannah is starting to struggle with the way she perceives herself, the clothes she wears, and lack of makeup she wears. She is confused as to who she is and she is comparing herself to other girls, therefore she starts to change the type of clothes she wears etc.
  • Hannah Smith part (II)

    Hannah Smith part (II)
    Hannah (19 years old) started college out of state and her boyfriend decided to stay in their hometown. Things have become challenging for the couple because they don't see each other much. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy vs isolation, Hannah displays isolation by staying in her dorm room many nights, skipping out hanging with her friends, so that her and Jack (boyfriend) can talk. Hannah feels isolated from "the college life" but she wants to have that connection with Jack.
  • Hannah Smith, the finale

    Hannah Smith, the finale
    Hannah (40 years old), has since divorced her husband Jack and has moved out into a small run down apartment. She was let go from her job because she was an emotional wreck when at work/hardly showed up. In Erikson's seventh stage, generativity vs stagnation, the crisis of feeling as though she hasn't contributed to the world anymore/hasn't left behind a mark for her kids and that she has become stagnate in her life. She has not made new advancements in her life but has taken a step backward.