Erikson's Timeline

  • Rebecca Lace neglected: Trust vs. Mistrust

    Rebecca Lace neglected: Trust vs. Mistrust
    Rebecca (12 months) was neglected with little to no affection from her mother due to her being addicted to drugs. She was barely cared for and often left alone. In Erikson's first stage, Trust verses Mistrust, the crisis is between developing a sense of trust with proper care and affection or a sense of unreliability with no proper care and affection with caregiver.
  • Rebecca's doubts: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

    Rebecca's doubts: Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
    Rebecca (age 2), started to develop a sense of self-control and ability to move by herself at a more free will. She would try to speak out and say what is on her mind. After excessive amount of restraint and punishment, she started to feel ashamed of the things she did and doubt what's she is allowed to do. In Erikson's second stage, Autonomy verses Shame and Doubt, the crisis is between developing a sense of freedom and self-control or doubt herself and feel shame for everything.
  • Rebecca doubting who she is: Identity vs. Identity confusion

    Rebecca doubting who she is: Identity vs. Identity confusion
    Rebecca is surrounded at school by negative peers and because she unpopular and feels not as smart as them, she is confused of where she belongs. In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity vs. Identity confusion, the crisis is between the ability to be aware and know where oneself belongs or unable to do so - not be able to find who they are (identity confusion).
  • Rebecca's choosing not marry : Intimacy vs. isolation

    Rebecca's choosing not marry : Intimacy vs. isolation
    After many years of having trust issues, Rebecca (age 38) refused to get marry - lack of trust leading to being lonely and refuses to open up- decided to live with her 15 cats with nobody. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy verses isolation, the crisis is between choosing to be emotionally open to others (intimacy) or keeping to oneself (isolation) and being lonely.