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Erikson Timeline- Robyn

  • Identity vs Role Confusion

    Identity vs Role Confusion
    Robyn, who is 17, begins to question her identity and her future. The crisis of role confusion involves Robyn not being sure about herself or her place in society. In response, Robyn begins to experiment with different lifestyles and explores new possibilities, in order to form her own identity. As Robyn fails to establish a positive identity, the pressure leads her into a stage of rebellion. Robyn begins making negative decisions, including the decision to drop out of high school.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    Robyn has just broken up with another boyfriend. She is never happy and constantly feels lost. In this crisis, Robyn faces isolation which leads her into a cycle of a feeling of inferiority and negative decisions. Because Robyn failed in her identity crisis, her fears of commitment in this stage, prevent her from forming close, meaningful bonds to herself and others around her.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    Generativity vs Stagnation
    After a period of stagnation, Robyn has realized that she has been living a life of self-obsession and a need for extrinsic happiness. In this crisis, which is characterized by the desire to feel valued, Robyn decides to change and choose generatively in order to find self-worth. She decides to finish school in order to work as a teacher and benefit others. She also starts daily self care practices in order to find intrinsic happiness and work on the virtue of care.