Erikson Timeline

  • Trust vs Mistrust

    Olivia was born January 2, 1990. She cries often until she gets down her latch breastfeeding. Breastfeeding gets accomplished and then every time her mom feeds her she calms instantly. In stage 1 trust vs.mistrust Olivia needs to feel the trust that she will be fed and taken care of, until she feels that she is fussy due to mistrust.
  • Autonomy vs. shame/doubt

    Jase, a two year old, adores his daddy. Every time daddy walks into the room it's big smiles and running to him.
    Stage 2 is autonomy vs. shame/doubt
    Toddlers ages 1-3 learn to recognize things that are their favorites and that they can chose what they want and have a reaction.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Carissa's father left when she was 12 and never talked to her again. She longed for his attention and married her boyfriend at the age of 19 against her families wishes. Shortly after he marriage failed.
    Stage 6 Intimacy vs. Isolation.
    If one does not become confident in theirselves, the relationship with another will most likely fail. You have to be confident, deal with past trauma and love yourself before you can do the same to another.
  • Identity vs role confusion

    Faith decided she wanted to change her wardrobe and only wear boy clothes, cut her hair super short and wear a baseball cap everyday. She told her mom this is who she wanted to be. A year later she wore a cheerleader outfit, lip gloss and curled her hair everyday.
    Stage 5 Identity vs role confusion. A teenager will often change their appearance and likes several times during these years due to learning their identity. What they want to be and what kind of adult they want to become.