Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust
Miya cries out in the night because she has woken up hungry and needs her poopie diaper changed. Her mother immediately wakes to the sound of her cry and rushes to her bedside to pick her up and assess what she may need. Miya might only be a few months old but receiving care and affection when she cries out helps her create trust, dependency and understanding that her needs will be met by her caregivers. This is the stage where you learn if you can trust and rely on others or not. -
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority
Even though Miya was intimidated by competing in Jiu Jitsu, her parents, coach and teammates encouraged her to at least try a tournament. They helped her train really hard and her parents were supportive of whatever the outcome, they just wanted her to have fun and learn something. She ended up winning in her age group and her parents were there to see her on that first place box and congratulate her on her hard work. -
Stage 5: Identity vs. Confusion
Now in her teenage years, Miya is an active member of the debate team & Jiu Jitsu club with many great friends who are supportive of who she is. She wants to become a nurse to help people and continue doing what she loves in college. She is a bright young woman who is happy with the way her life is going and what she has done so far. This is the stage where you are confident in your identity as yourself or you are confused on what life will hold for you.