Erikson Stage

By tstovia
  • Brianna's timeline event : identify vs role confusion

    Brianna's timeline event : identify vs role confusion
    Brianna just turned 16, and started a new job for the first time at Starbucks because all of her other friends began to work to save money. In Erikson's fifth stage of identify versus role confusion, this shows that Brianna wants to start becoming independent and finding out what works for her. This stage also includes that she is trying to find her place (role confusion) while she is trying to figure out who she wants to become (identity).
  • Brianna's timeline event : intimacy vs isolation

    Brianna's timeline event : intimacy vs isolation
    After knowing Jeffrey for five years, Brianna has decided to begin to date him. They've had feelings for each other for a bit and wanted to take a new step in their relationship, but she's scared he'll leave her for someone else. In Erikson's sixth stage of intimacy versus isolation, this shows how Brianna is beginning to share herself with another person (intimacy), but she the feeling of being afraid is what scares her (isolation).
  • Brianna's timeline event : integrity vs despair

    Brianna's timeline event : integrity vs despair
    As Brianna sits inside the nursing home, she rethinks about the schooling, the hard work, and the death of Jeffrey. She reflects on her marriage with Jeffrey and thinks about the few regrets she had on making more memories with him. In Erikson's eighth stage of integrity versus despair, she reflects knowing she's lived her greatest life (integrity), but does also think about the fact she regrets not putting in more time with Jeffrey as she could've before (despair).