Erikson's Timeline- Johnson. E

By emjinak
  • Industry vs. Inferiority

    Industry vs. Inferiority
    Astrid (age 7) is in first grade and was praised by her art teacher for her latest watercolor project in school. She feels a great sense of competence and feels pride over her art. In Erikson's fourth stage of development industry vs. inferiority, children are in society without their family for the first time. The struggle will persist between achieving goals (industry) and how they are seen by their peers and, not achieving goals, recognition and, becoming more insecure/timid (inferiority).
  • Identity vs. Confusion

    Identity vs. Confusion
    Astrid (age 16) is currently an adolescent and has tried many different hobbies. But, she has finally decided she is most interested in plants and, starts gardening a lot more. She is even thinking of majoring in botany. Erikson's fifth stage of identity vs. confusion, is the conflict of finding oneself and forming a sense of identity (identity). For example, Astrid found a passion. If this stage is not completed one would have an identity crisis and be unsure of where one fits (confusion).
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Astrid (age 30) has recently been proposed to by her long time boyfriend of 6 years, Ted. She said yes and they are planning a June wedding where they will be surrounded by their many close friends and family. In Erikson's stage of intimacy vs. isolation, taken place in young adulthood, individual's will have the struggle of forming and keeping close relationships with family, friends, or romantic partners (intimacy). Or, face loneliness by having a lack of close relationships (isolation).