Erikson's Timeline

  • Valentina

    Valentina was born in a loving single family home living with both her parents, Sarah and Frank who have been married for 5 years. In the first stage of life in Erikason's theory, is the developmental challenge, trust vs. mistrust. If the infant is loved then the child views the world as a good place. Because Valentina was loved and cared by loving and trusting parents, Valentina grew up being a nice child and made friends easily.
  • third stage initiative develops

    third stage initiative develops
    Every Sunday of every week, Valentina would help her parents clean up the house by doing her bed, help put dishes away, and clean her toys up when done playing with them without being told to by her parents. In the third stage it says how at this stage the child is capable of planning activities in a purposeful way.
  • MIddle school

    MIddle school
    Valentina would walk into school with a positive attitude and excitement to learn new things from her teachers. She would receive a certificate for the honor rolls and perfect attendance. This is the fourth stage in the development stage. If the child is encouraged and taught well, the child will have confidence in mastering required skills. With Valentina receiving her certificates, it tells her that she is doing a great job and encourages her to continue to work hard.