Erikson's Timeline

  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    This event took place when "Sadie" was five years old her mom told her not to play with her best friend Katie and instead play with Sarah. Sadie grew up and because of the failure in stage 3 she hesitates to try new activities or meet new people. Stage 3 focuses on initiative vs. guilt, when a child is supposed to be trying new activities and learning how to navigate relationships, being able to initiate activities on their own.
  • Identity vs. Confusion

    Around when Sadie was 16 and a junior in high school she joined student government, did cheerleading, tennis, and participated in fundraisers for church. These opportunities helped Sadie to discover herself more and increase her confidence. In this fifth stage adolescents from around ages 12-18 are finding their identity in the world by building social relationships and asking who they are.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Sadie is now 21 and she begins and long term relationship and is growing in her intimacy stage. In this 6th stage people find themselves questioning if they will be loved or alone forever, it is important to create deep and meaningful relationships with people and create positive bonds. Some things that hinder this stage could be deaths of loved ones, a fear of commitment, and other past relationships that have traumatized you.