Erikson's Theory

  • Lacey gets asked to skip 4th grade

    Lacey gets asked to skip 4th grade
    Industry vs. Inferiority
    There was a meeting with my grandparents, principal and me to discuss skipping 4th grade. This is an example of me showing industry over inferiority because I was doing well in school and enjoying the praise I was receiving. Industry vs inferiority happens around age 5-12 when children are either encouraged by their progress from those around them, or discouraged. With discourage, they lean towards inferiority and it can cause issues later on.
  • Period: to

    Walk through Lacey's Life

    Here is a short look into my life timespan.
  • Admitted to 3 Universities for Pre-Med

    Admitted to 3 Universities for Pre-Med
    Identity vs Role Confusion
    I got accepted into 3 different universities in Texas, Idaho, and Washington for premed programs. Thanks to my grandparents not pushing me, I felt that I had a good understanding of what to do with my life. There was no confusion for me. Identity vs role confusion happens from 12-18 and the individual starts to decide how to fit in. However, if pushed too hard, they choose to rebel and struggle with an identity. Some people don't find their identity ever.
  • Heartbreak and Loss of Trust

    Heartbreak and Loss of Trust
    Intimacy vs Isolation
    Lacey gets her heartbroken by her first real relationship after avoiding them all throughout high school. 2 years are wasted away and now isolation is being followed. Extreme fear of commitment even to friendships. Fear of never breaking through this is real and hopefully time will fix it. Intimacy is not an interest anymore. Success is still possible though because this stage lasts from 18 to 40.