Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development

  • Finding True Self

    Finding True Self
    Nailea, 16 years old, is a hardworking student that holds a 4.0 gpa and is involved in school clubs, volunteering in her community, and a varsity volleyball player. She skipped classes and her volleyball practices. Nailea interact with a group new friends as she drank alcohol, sneaks out at night, and changed her appearance. Identity vs. Confusion is about finding yourself by experimenting outside your comfort zone and then you become indecisive whether this choice is right for you.
  • Nailea's New Life

    Nailea's New Life
    Nailea got into her first relationship with her closest friend, Jayson. Nailea decided to move in with Jayson instead of attending her dream college because she secretly got pregnant. She disobeyed her parents and friends. In Erikson's 6th stage of Intimacy vs. Isolation, the crisis is about having a well-developed, healthy relationship with a meaningful person but struggles to find their own self-esteem from the lack of connection of others.
  • Reflection

    On Nailea's 65th birthday, she suffers stage 3 breast cancer. She reminisce when she played volleyball and was offered to play volleyball at Stanford University. She reflects on her mistakes when she chose Jayson over her family and friends. Jayson cheated on Nailea that ended their relationship. Nailea is a proud mother, but regrets not living her dream. Ego Integrity vs. Despair is when a person reminisce their accomplishments, they regret their decision and learn to accept the outcomes.