Erikson's Stages as seen in Aidan

By sbyrnes
  • Autonomy vs Shame

    Autonomy vs Shame
    At this stage, toddlers want to do things for themselves. This defines their independence, or their doubt of their abilities.
    Aidan's mother peeled a banana for him, at which he cried for her to fix it, as he wanted to do this himself. Aidan peels the next banana himself. Good job, Aidan.
  • Industry vs Inferiority

    Industry vs Inferiority
    Around this age, kids learn how to apply themselves to tasks. This can be learning what they are good at, and how it helps them complete something. Failure to do so may make the kid feel inferior.
    Around this time, Aidan discovers that he is proficient at engineering, and excels at making and programming in robotics. Go Aidan!
  • Identity vs Confusion

    Identity vs Confusion
    Teenagers at this point either develop a defined sense of their self identity, or go on to be confused about their place in society.
    At this age, Aidan began to identify with the geek crowd at school. He was part of a close group of four friends, and felt a sense of belonging. Aidan has a defined identity. Go Aidan!