Erikson's Stage Timeline

  • Sharon Has an Accident

    Sharon is 2 years old and is currently going through potty training. She has learned to indetify if she needs to use the restroom, but while playing at the park she is distracted by other kids, not realizing she needs to go. This results in an acident, but her mother responds calmly, reassurring her that they happen. This results in her not being discouraged. In Erikson's second stage of ego, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, the crisis is between wanting to be independent and still needing guidance
  • Sharon Comes Out

    Sharon has been conflicted about her attraction to other girls. However, she has decided that she would like to come out to friends and family. When announces the news to the sperate parties, both are supportive, loving, and validate her. This leads to her being more confident in her identity. In Erickson's fifth stage of ego, Identity vs. Role Confusion, the crisis is between wanting to embrace your sexual identity and conforming to gender norms.
  • Sharon Proposes to Her Girlfriend

    Sharon decided that she wanted to marry her girlfriend of some years. She is scared to propose for fear of rejection, but has decided to take that risk. When she asks her girlfriend, the response is a "yes" and they become engaged, bettering Sharon's confidence and stability in her relationship. In Erikson's sixth stage of ego, Intimacy vs. Isolation, the crisis is between wanting to have an intimate relationship and fear of rejection.
  • Sharon Gets a Job

    Sharon has been out of the job for some time and is starting to feel stagnant. It is hindering her relationship with her partner, because they are the primary breadwinner. She feels as though she isn't working towards anything, so decides to take a job offer at a local pet store. This gives her a sense fullfilment. In Eriksons seventh stage of ego, generativity vs stagnation, the crisis is between desiring purpose and being unproductive