Industry vs Inferiority
Leilani (age 7) has just moved back to alaska with her family and she is about to start second grade. New classmates, new teacher, new curriculum. This shows Erikson's Industry vs. Inferiority. Her crisis is wanting to feel competent and worth something in the world, like she wants to have good self esteem and show off for her friends in math (time tables finished real fast!). If she cant be taught properly and do the same as everyone else, she will feel inferior. -
Identity vs Identity Confusion
Leilani (age 13) is just about to enter high school. Her middle school years were filled with acting more mature and taking care of/babysitting her baby sister for her mother. Now the crisis is handling high school and finding individuality.
In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity vs Identity Confusion, she must take on a challenge while finding herself in this new world of upperclassmen. Where will she be in the future? She needs to think about that. -
Intimacy vs Isolation
Leilani (age 21) has now become a young adult. She's always dreamed of a fairy tale romance (which sucks, because that is unrealistic). The crisis is she ends up getting into unwanted flings with other men (or being used) and ends up having commitment issues herself.
In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy vs isolation, Leilani must overcome her commitment issues in order to not feel so isolated and instead eventually enjoy an intimate relationship so she is happier.