Erikson's Psychosocial Theory

By emmakai
  • Infancy- Trust vs Mistrust

    Maggie is born and spends the first several months of her life with her loving stay-at-home mom who is always there for her and makes sure she feels loved and safe.
    In Erikson's First Stage- Trust vs Mistrust.
    The crisis is between whether the infant will be well-loved and develop a basic sense of trust, or mistreated and form a sense of mistrust. Her mother being loving towards her guided Maggie towards trust.
  • Early Childhood- Initiative vs Guilt

    Maggie develops a love for art, she draws on everything and eventually decides to paint on her mom's 200 year old antique table, upon seeing her parents reaction she realizes what she did was wrong and feels guilty.
    In Erikson's 3rd stage Initiative vs Guilt
    Crisis is when the child becomes capable of making purposeful decisions, they can either be encouraged and take initiative, or discouraged and feel guilty. Her parents reaction made Maggie feel guilty.
  • Adolescence- Identity vs Identity Confusion

    Maggie has recently discovered she was adopted from a different country. She was given the option to reach out to her birth parents and learn more about her heritage, but decided she was content with the person her adoptive parents raised her to be.
    In Erikson's 5th stage, Identity vs Identity Confusion.
    Crisis is developing an awareness of who she is and what she can do within her culture, inability to do this can result in identity confusion. Maggie chose her current identity.