Erikson's Eight Psychological Stages

By maong
  • Baby Mia at 6 Months! (Infancy: Trust vs. Mistrust)

    Baby Mia at 6 Months! (Infancy: Trust vs. Mistrust)
    Baby Mia is 6 months old. She has a very strong bond with her mother. Her mother Maria, shows great care and love towards Mia. Maria responds to all of Mia's needs in order to keep her happy and healthy. The amount of love that Maria gives to her daughter Mia, increases the trust she has for her own mother. Each day that passes by, the trust will grow towards her mom rather than a stranger who isn't there in her presence giving the necessity she needs and the love she yearns for.
  • Mia's Early Childhood Years (Initiative vs. Guilt)

    Mia's Early Childhood Years (Initiative vs. Guilt)
    Mia is 5 years old. She is always out looking for answers with her creative mind. Her high motive to ask questions about the simplest things makes her a very curious child. Aside from that, she also loves imaginable play. Having imaginable tea parties with her stuff animals is how she initiates activities or "play time." This fictional aspect helps create purposefiul ways to use time at this particular age.
  • Mia's Middle Childhood Years (Industry vs. Inferiority)

    Mia's Middle Childhood Years (Industry vs. Inferiority)
    Mia is now in the 5th grade. She is about 10 years old and displays great qualtities regarding her motivation to learn. She displays exceptional academics and great gymnastic skills. She has high interest in learning about animals during school. Everyday she explores different types of information about the different animals she reads about on her trips to the library. Her favorite animal is the Koala, and during her free time she likes to make scapbooks on the different animals she embarks upon
  • Middle Teenage Years (Identity vs. Indentity Confusion)

    Middle Teenage Years (Identity vs. Indentity Confusion)
    As of now, Mia is 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. She has been going through some rough patches trying to fit in. She is a very studious student, which leads to less time of socializing. Mia knows that she will be attending a highly prestigous university, but during this time in her life, she hasn't experimented or experienced any new hobbies, or even herself. She worries that she doesn't make enough room for her social life which creates a problem towards her self esteem.