Psy 150

Erikson Psychosocial Theory Timeline

By MTodd16
  • Identity vs. Role Confusion

    Identity vs. Role Confusion
    One day Lauren heard about a huge party being held at one of her friend's house. She knows her parents probably won't let her go because Lauren missed her curfew at the last party. However, she decided she would go. Lauren saw people doing drugs which were unusual for high school parties. With the stress of exams coming up, She decides to try drugs for the first time. Identity is established based on a person's explorations and failure to find a sense of identity can lead to role confusion.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    Chris is in his late twenties and has never been in a long-term relationship. He constantly struggles with the idea that no one will ever love him. Chris knows he has commitment issues and has a hard time talking about his feelings. He talks to a therapist to help overcome his isolation; he can have a successful relationship one day. This stage centers on forming intimate relationships. The success of this stage can lead to happy relationships. In contrast, isolation can cause loneliness.
  • Generativity vs. Stagnation

    Generativity vs. Stagnation
    Stephaine is the mother of two children. She loves cleaning up trash on the beach and volunteering at the animal shelter. Once Stephanies children got older, they joined her volunteer projects. She teaches her children how to take care of animals and the environment. Taking part in things that benefit future generations is essential at the generativity vs. stagnation stage of development. Learning ways to decrease stagnation helps a person be more satisfied with their life.