Marta's favorite game, Initiative vs. Guilt
January 15, 2005
Marta (5yrs) loved to play tag with her three siblings. Gabi (8yrs), Nathan (7yrs), Ella (5yrs), and Marta would switch turns being "it". In Erikson's 3rd stage, Initiative vs. Guilt, the crisis is between the authority to make someone else "it" (Initiative) or not being able to take charge -
Marta learns to read: Industry vs. Inferiority
July 23, 2008
Marta (8 yrs) has begun to read chapter books. She's learned to comprehend the words she is reading. In Erikson's 4th stage, Industry vs. Inferiority, the crisis is between being able to understand the story being read is an accomplishment (Industry) as apposed to being told the story and not being able to put the words together yourself. -
Marta's first job: Identity vs. role confusion
November 8, 2018
Marta (18yrs) starts her first job. The job teaches her to work with others, handle money, and to be reliable. In Erikson's 5th stage, Identity vs. Role Confusion, the crisis is between the experiences she's had helping her to figure out who she is (Identity) and not knowing her purpose yet in this life (Role Confusion).