
  • Stage 1

    October 10 1990
    Sal is born to two loving parents. While on maternity leave, his mother attends to his needs, regularly feeding and comforting him.
    Erikson's first stage is trust versus mistrust. The crisis lies between viewing people as reliable and believing your needs will be met, or viewing people as inherently unreliable.
  • Stage 2

    August 17 1992
    Sal discovers his favorite color is orange and immediately tells his mother with his limited vocabulary. Upon realizing this, his mother buys him a new orange shirt and allows him to put it on himself.
    In Erikson's second stage, autonomy versus shame and self-doubt, the crisis lies between developing a strong sense of independence or a higher likeliness for codependence accompanied by low self-esteem.
  • Stage 3

    January 25 1995
    Sal is playing soccer with his friends at recess. When it comes time to divide teams, Sal automatically steps into the leadership position, putting the best players on his team. The next day, his friends confront him and he divides the teams in a fair manner.
    Erikson's third stage is initiative versus guilt. The crisis lies between learning how to form interpersonal relationships with peers, developing a healthy sense of adventure, or fear of the world and others.