• Trust vs. Mistrust

    Trust vs. Mistrust
    B. Karen (age 1) learns the harsh truths of life. Falling from her bike and scraping her knee badly. She is rushed to an urgent care facility. As the doctor applies alcohol to disinfect the cut Karen becomes suspicious of the nurse. Why should treatment for a wounded knee consist of more pain?
    C. In Erikson's first stage, trust versus mistrust,
    D. the crisis lies in learning to (trust) the nurse inflicting more pain to her already hurting wound, becoming suspicious of their actions. (mistrust)
  • Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt

    Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
    B. Karen (age 14) questions his personality. She is bullied at school for his weird sense of humor and unusual outfits. Waking up every morning, Karen chooses his outfits meticulously, even if they are mismatched.
    C. In Erikson's second stage, autonomy versus shame/doubt
    D. the crisis is between being able to explore individuality (autonomy) through expression of clothing or, allow the criticism of her peers (Shame/Doubt) determine his sense of personality.
  • Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Intimacy vs. Isolation
    B. Karen (age 21) was proposed to, by her boyfriend of 3 years Tate. However, she struggles to give him a definite answer. This is because Karen has seen the struggles of marriage through her parent's divorce.
    C. In Erikson's sixth stage, intimacy versus isolation,
    D. the crisis lies in the feeling of mutual affection (intimacy) between Karen and Tate or, keeping those emotions to herself. (isolation) as she holds fear from her parent's divorce that showed her the pros and cons of marriage.