Erika, SAndra, Ashante

  • Headright system

    Headright system
    -Is the head of the family had a right to own 200 acres.
    -50 more acres for each family memeber.
    -The more kids you had the more land you would get.
    -The headrights system encouraged wealthy individuals to pay to transport indentured servants to Virginia.
  • University Of Georgia

    University Of Georgia
    -First public university in Georgia established in 1785.
    -Open only for white men.
    -Created by state government.
    -Designed to improve education for Georgians.
  • Cotton gin

    Cotton gin
    -Created by eli whitney in 1793.
    - Seperated seeds from quickly.
    - Increased cotton production and slavery in Georgia.
  • Yazoo Land Fraud

    Yazoo Land Fraud
    -Alabama and Mississippi were once Georgia's territory.
    -Land companies wanted to buy Georgia's western lands and bribed Georgia's governer and general assembly to sell the land.
    -Georgia agreed and the land companies paid 500,000 for 35 million acres (About 1 cent per acre).
  • Louisville

    -3rd capital of Georgia.
    -GA moved to capital west as people moved west.
    -Out break of malaria so capital moved to Milledgeville.
  • Land Lottery

    Land Lottery
    -White men and older could pay to spin a wheel to win land.
    -A way to divide the land up.
    -Women had more chances.
  • Railroads

    -Railroads first constructed in Georgia in 1833s.
    -Brought buisnesses, people, and goods into and out of the state.
    -Many railroads lines intersected in terminus soon to be named Atlanta.
  • Baptist/Methodist

    -Two largest denominations in Georgia.
    -Spead throughout in the late 1700's.
    -People were experiencing a religions "awakening" and these churches spread throughout georgia.
    -Major religions in Georgia.