Erickson Timeline - Alex's Childhood

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  • Stage 1

    Stage 1
    Alex was born to parents that were strongly encouraged to let him cry it out. His grandmother insisted that his cries were to establish dominance over his parents. Alex's mother let him cry it out at bed time and during other times as well. This recurring event took place during Erickson's first stage of development, basic trust vs. mistrust. This hypothetical example is a common occurrence that can cause children to question if they can safely trust their caregivers. Alex developed distrust.
  • Stage 3

    Stage 3
    The same grandmother that encouraged four year old Alex's parents to let him cry it out is now his caregiver while both of his parents work. Despite her cry it out logic, she is very consistent with praising Alex for minor good deeds, accomplishments and completed tasks. Her praise of Alex's behavior is a defining factor during Erickson's third stage, initiate vs. guilt. She has helped Alex to take more initiative and explore confidently, putting him on the path of initiate instead of guilt.
  • Stage 4

    Stage 4
    Ten year old Alex has had success in school, thanks in large part to his grandmothers confidence building. He attracts positive attention from his teachers and peers during Erickson's stage 4, industry vs. inferiority, and is considerably resilient and hard working. His good school and peer interactions enforce his willingness to try new things and find motivation. Alex behaves more in line with industry than he does with inferiority, which is a more positive experience overall for him.