Sick infant

Erickson Timeline - Amber Chapin

  • Trust versus mistrust - infancy

    Trust versus mistrust - infancy
    Esmerelda was born full-term but had meconium in her lungs Her mother stayed in the hospital, breastfeeding and holding her. She was later released and deemed healthy. At 2 weeks old, Esmerelda began to cry for more than 3 hours a day, nearly every day for a month. Her parents worked hard to soothe her. While infant Esmerelda struggled with discomfort, her parents comforted her and helped her feel loved. Esmerelda developed a basic trust of others.
  • Industry versus Inferiority - middle to late childhood

    Industry versus Inferiority - middle to late childhood
    Seven-year-old Esmerelda enjoys school, but she often reverses sounds and letters. A thoughtful teacher recommends that she be tested for dyslexia. After a series of evaluations, it is determined that Esmerelda does in fact have dyslexia. Her parents, teachers, and therapists develop an individualized learning plan. Over time with these learning supports, Esmerelda finds ways to succeed academically despite her dyslexia. She develops confidence and a passion for learning.
  • Identity versus identity confusion - adolescence

    Identity versus identity confusion - adolescence
    Fourteen-year-old Esmerelda and her parents move away rural California to suburban Philadelphia, leaving her Guatemalan extended family behind. Her new neighborhood has few Hispanic families. At first Esmerelda feels isolated, but she both seeks out Hispanic community groups and makes strong friendships with her non-Hispanic classmates. She begins to develop a strong sense of bicultural identity, confidently shifting between Hispanic and majority culture identities.