Erickson Timeline

  • Jane is Born

    On February 26th 2005, Jane is born. This is the 1st of Erikson's principles. This is trust vs mistrust, where Jane forms a bond between herself and her mother. If Janes mother lacks in reliability, care, or affection this could create mistrust in Jane.
  • Jane bullys a kid at school

    Jane is pressured at school to comform and bully another girl in her class. This is the Adolescence stage which focuses on Identity vs Role Confusion. Teens are trying to create a sense of self and discover who they are as a person. This stage is important for her because she is focused on her social relationship's and who are her friends. Failing to be herself can lead to confusion and cause her to fail again in the future.
  • Jane has a Daughter

    Jane has a daughter with her husband Armie. This is the Middle Adulthood phase which focuses on Work and Parenthood. Creating a family or positive change can help a person feel completed. Jane is going to focus on her daughter to create a sense of accomplishment and not feel like a failure. Not doing this could lead to less involvement in the world in the future.