Erickson Timeline

  • Reina's Self Doubt: Initiative vs Guilt

    Reina's Self Doubt: Initiative vs Guilt
    Reina is in preschool and asks her mother to go outside, but is told they live in a dangerous neighborhood where outside play is not an option. Reina can't explore like her peers, and senses her mothers anxiety. She feels guilt over her mothers worry, and doubts herself. In Ericksons third stage, Initiative vs Guilt, children begin to take initiative over their own actions and have things they enjoy. If encouraged, they can become independent. If not, they feel guilt over what they enjoy.
  • Reina Moves Out: Identity vs Role Confusion

    Reina Moves Out: Identity vs Role Confusion
    When Reina went to college, she separated herself from her parents and began to cultivate hobbies. She joined clubs and got a part time job, and she also began her first long term relationship. In Ericksons fourth stage, Identity vs Role Confusion, the issue is discovering yourself vs being overwhelmed and losing your sense of self. Reina was able to find herself and create a healthy emotional distance between her and her parents.