Erickson timeline cover

Erickson's Timeline Psychology 2021

  • Initiative vs. Guilt

    Initiative vs. Guilt
    At the age of five, Samantha Brown started pre-school. Within her first week of school, Samantha forms a group of people to play hide-and-seek.
    This is Erikson's third stage of development. Initiative vs. Guilt, where children ages 3-6 exhibit the development to initiate meaningful activities.
    Samantha exhibits this by taking the initiative to form a group of friends to play with during the class.
  • Identity vs. Identity Confusion

    Identity vs. Identity Confusion
    After turning 17, Samantha enters into her first relationship with a boy she had liked from her class.
    This is Erikson's fifth stage of development. Identity vs. Identity Confusion, where young adults from 12-18 develop and form a sense of self, who or what they want to be.
    Samantha entering into her first relationship shows that she is exploring possibilities of what she may want to be or do.
  • Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    Ego Integrity vs. Despair
    Following her diagnosis of stage four cancer, Samantha decides to forgo treatment and spend the rest of her time with family and close friends.
    This is Erikson's final stage of development. Ego Integrity vs. Despair, where adults ages 65 and up come to terms with their life and death.
    Samantha displays this stage by going out on her own terms, with her family and friends after deciding to not wallow in her impending death.