• Industry and Inferiority

    Industry and Inferiority
    At 6, Allysha is about to start second grade, took the accelerated exam and got transferred to third grade instead. New teacher and new classmates which are 2 - 3 years older than her. Her crisis is to feel competent that she belong to the class and can be the same as everyone else being the youngest in class. If she can't get along or be with their pace in class, she will feel inadequate or inferior.
  • Identity vs Role Confusion

    Identity vs Role Confusion
    At 13, Allysha is now high school junior. She struggled figuring out the right career path that she should prepare herself for as she is bound to know the right group of people and friends she should belong to. In Erikson's fifth stage, identity versus role confusion, the crisis is between the relationships and values that create a person's sense of self (identity) and being unable to explore and develop a personal identity (role confusion).
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    Intimacy vs Isolation
    At 24, Allysha is now young adult. She just distanced herself from the people that is not good for her and is not helping her become the better version of herself. She gave more attention to her intimate relationship with family and close friends. In Erikson's sixth stage is between developing close and intimate relationships with the people around us (intimacy) and failure to form relationship resulting to loneliness (isolation).